
Jiangsu Higee Energy Co., Ltd. Association for Science and Technology Founding Meeting

On the morning of August 7, Jiangsu Haiji New Energy Co., Ltd. held the establishment meeting of the Science and Technology Association. Jiangyin City Association for Science and Technology Vice Chairman Yang Hongbo, Minister Li Hao, Deputy Director of Yunting Sub-district Office Shen Lixing, and more than 50 representatives of scientific and technological workers of the company attended the meeting.

Participants at the meeting listened carefully to the company’s preparatory work report of the Association for Science and Technology. The "Approval on the Approval of the Establishment of Jiangsu Haiji New Energy Co., Ltd. Science and Technology Association" was announced at the meeting. The conference passed the "Jiangsu Haiji New Energy Co., Ltd. Science and Technology Association "Articles", elected the first leading body of the Association for Science and Technology Committee chaired by General Manager Zhu Jie.

The newly elected chairman of the company’s Association for Science and Technology, Zhu Jie, on behalf of all the members of the Association for Science and Technology, expressed his gratitude to the Municipal Association for Science and Technology and the Street Association for Science and Technology in the future. Core competitiveness in the market. 

Shen Lixing, deputy director of the Yunting Sub-district Office, affirmed our company's leading role in scientific and technological innovation and serving scientific and technological workers, and hoped that our company will truly make the Association for Science and Technology a "home of scientific and technological workers".

Yang Hongbo, vice chairman of the Municipal Science and Technology Association, put forward three suggestions on the future work of the Sea-based New Energy Science and Technology Association: First, we must strengthen our own standardized construction. It is necessary to establish and improve the organization system of the Association for Science and Technology, clarify objectives and responsibilities, and ensure the source of funds. Second, we must help scientific and technological workers solve problems. It is necessary to understand the thinking, work and living conditions of scientific and technological workers, actively reflect their suggestions, opinions and demands, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Third, we must promote the economic development of enterprises. It is necessary to support and help enterprise scientific and technological workers to engage in scientific and technological innovation, inspire the enthusiasm of scientific and technological workers, precise positioning, realize the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, and promote high-quality economic development of enterprises.

8月7日上午,江蘇海(hǎi)基(jī)新能源股份有限公司召開科學技術(shù)協會成立大會。江陰(yīn)市科協副(fù)主席楊紅波、部長李浩、雲亭街道辦事處(chù)副主任沈(shěn)利興及公司科技工作(zuò)者代表50餘人參加了本次會(huì)議。 與會代表(biǎo)認(rèn)真聽取了公司科協籌備工作報告,會上宣讀了《關於同意成(chéng)立江蘇海基新能源股份(fèn)有限公司科學技術(shù)協(xié)會的批複》,大會通過了《江(jiāng)蘇海基新能源股份有限公司科學技(jì)術協會章程》,選舉產生了以總經理祝捷為主席的首屆科協委員會(huì)領導機構。  新當選的公司科協(xié)主席(xí)祝捷代表全體科(kē)協成員對市科協、街道科協的關心與指導(dǎo)表示了感謝,表明今後將帶動公司廣大科技工作者,不(bú)斷推動公司技術創新,全麵提高海基在市(shì)場上的核心競(jìng)爭力。  雲亭街道辦事處副主任沈利興(xìng)肯定了我司在科技創新和服務科技工作者方麵發揮的引領作用,同時希望我司將科協組織真正辦成“科技工作者之家”。  市科協副主席楊紅波就今後海基新能源科協(xié)工作開展提出了三點建議:一(yī)要加強(qiáng)自身(shēn)規範化建設。要建立健全科協組織製度,明確(què)目標和責任,保障經費來源。二要幫助科技工作者解決問(wèn)題。要了解科技工作者(zhě)的思想、工作和生活狀(zhuàng)況,積極反映他們的建議(yì)、意(yì)見和訴求,維護他們的合法權益。三要促進企業經濟(jì)發展。要(yào)支持和幫助企(qǐ)業科技工作者(zhě)從事(shì)科技創新,激發科技工(gōng)作者的創新(xīn)熱情,精準定位,實現新舊動(dòng)能轉(zhuǎn)換,推動企業經(jīng)濟高質量發展。
8月(yuè)7日上午,江蘇海基新能源(yuán)股份有(yǒu)限公司召開科學技術協會成立大會。江陰市科協副主席楊紅波、部長李浩、雲(yún)亭街道辦事(shì)處副主任沈利興及公司科技工作者代表50餘人參加了(le)本次會議(yì)。 與會代(dài)表(biǎo)認真聽取了公司科協籌備工作報告,會上宣(xuān)讀了(le)《關於同意成立(lì)江蘇海基新能源股份有限公(gōng)司科學技術協會的批複》,大會通過了《江蘇海基新能(néng)源股份有限公司科學技術協會章程》,選舉產生了(le)以(yǐ)總經理祝捷為主席的首屆科協委員會領導機(jī)構。  新當選的公司科協主席祝捷代表全體科協成員對(duì)市科(kē)協、街道科協(xié)的關心(xīn)與指導表(biǎo)示(shì)了感謝,表明今後將帶動公司廣大科技工作者,不斷推動公司技術創新,全(quán)麵提高海基在市(shì)場上的核心競(jìng)爭力。  雲亭街道辦事處副主任(rèn)沈利興肯定了我司在科技創新和服務科技工作者方麵發揮(huī)的引領作用,同時希望我(wǒ)司將科(kē)協組織真正辦成“科技工作者之家”。  市科協副主(zhǔ)席楊紅波(bō)就今後海基新能源科協工作開展提出了(le)三點建議:一要加強自身規範化建(jiàn)設。要建立健全科協組織製度,明確目標和責任,保障經費來源。二要幫助科技工作者解決問題。要了解科技工作者的思想、工(gōng)作和生活狀況,積極反映他們的建議、意見和訴求,維護他們(men)的合法權益。三要促進企業經濟發展。要(yào)支持和幫助企業(yè)科技工(gōng)作者從事科技創新,激發科技工作(zuò)者的創新熱情,精準定位,實現新舊動能轉換,推動企業經濟高質量(liàng)發展。